Dog Attack/Bite Accidents

Unfortunately, sometimes no matter how well trained a dog may be, you can still be bitten or attacked if the dog feels uncomfortable or scared. Not all dog bites or attacks are serious enough to consider a personal injury claim, but there are some cases that can lead to permanent injury or death. A serious dog bite or attack can result in medical bills, emotional trauma, pain, suffering and even scarring. If you’ve suffered injuries as a result of a dog bite or attack, you could be entitled to damages.

If you believe that you may be entitled to file a personal injury claim for your dog attack, you should speak with a skilled personal injury attorney as soon as possible. At Live Oak Injury Law Group, we are dedicated to serving you to resolve your personal injury claim with a maximum recovery at a reasonable cost. If you would like to know more, read below, and schedule a free consultation.

Who is Liable for a Dog Bite/Attack?

Depending on the circumstances of your dog bite or attack, the owner of the dog could be liable for all of your damages. Generally in a situation where your injury was caused by a dog and you were in a public area or lawfully in a private space when the attack occurred, the owner of the dog is liable. In California, there is no “one bite rule” so the dog owner is often liable even if the dog has never bitten or attacked anyone before.

The party that is financially responsible for the costs of your damages depends on the circumstances of your bite or attack injury. It’s not always the case that the dog owner pays out of their pocket, instead the financial resources might come from another source. Below, we’ve listed the parties that are often financially responsible for the costs of a personal injury suit:

What Damages Could You Receive for a Dog Bite/Attack Injury Claim?

When you file a personal injury claim for your dog bite/attack, you could receive financial compensation for any damages you incurred as a result of your injury. This includes both non-financial and financial losses and costs. Damages you could receive if you win your personal injury claim include :

  • Medical bills and expenses;
  • Lost wages from missing work as a result of your injury;
  • Damages for pain and suffering/permanent disfigurement.

If You Have Suffered Injuries as a Result of a Dog Bite/Attack, Speak With an Attorney Today.

Suffering from a dog bite/attack can be a very traumatizing experience, and you may feel hopeless or lost after this experience. At Live Oak Injury Law Group, we know how stressful suffering a personal injury can be. We are committed to getting you the maximum recovery you are entitled to under the law. If you have suffered an injury as the result of a dog bite or attack, don’t hesitate to reach out and schedule a consultation with a skilled personal injury attorney from Live Oak Injury Law Group.
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