Scooter Accident

Electric scooters have become an increasingly popular choice for short, quick trips in any city or smaller town. They’re efficient and eco-friendly, making them a more guilt-free transportation option. These scooters can also be dangerous, however, if not used properly or if the user is around unsafe drivers.  The increased popularity of electric scooters on the road/sidewalks has led to a higher risk for injury caused by a scooter accident. Being involved in any kind of accident is scary and incredibly stressful, and following the incident you might feel unsure of what you should do next. At Live Oak Injury Law Group, we’re dedicated to helping you receive the justice you’re entitled to under the law. No one should have to suffer with the pain of an injury on their own. If you’ve suffered an injury as the result of a scooter accident, please read article below and don’t hesitate to contact us to schedule your free consultation.

What Can Cause a Scooter Accident?

Just like there are many causes for car crashes, there are many possible reasons for scooter accidents. A key difference is that scooter riders are much more exposed during an accident, which means they are at a higher risk for serious, life altering injuries. Below, we’ve listed some of the most common causes of scooter accidents so you can stay vigilant while riding.

How Do You Prove Negligence Was Present in a Scooter Accident?

Generally, in order to win your personal injury claim, you must be able to prove that a negligent party caused your accident. Negligence is when a party (usually an individual or some kind of business entity) has a responsibility to care for the safety and wellbeing of others but they fail to use reasonable care. When you prove negligence in a personal injury case, there are several things that you must consider. We’ve listed these factors so you have a better understanding :

  1. A person’s obligation to take care of another is called Duty of Care. This means that you must prove that the other involved party had a legal obligation to you to act (or not act) in a way that would not cause harm to you or your property.
  2. A breach of this duty is the type of negligence that occurs when a person or entity fails to take reasonable measures to preserve a standard of care. For example, if a driver failed to stop at a signal and this led to injuries at the scene, this could constitute a breach of duty.
  3. Causation is critical in establishing the link between the breach of duty and your injury. It is particularly relevant in incidents where the injuries at the scene are a direct result of another party’s negligence, such as failing to stop at a crucial moment. Generally, in California, a plaintiff must show that the incident was foreseeable and that the negligent party caused, or was a significant factor in causing, the injuries.
  4. Finally, the amount of damages that can be claimed depends on the nature of the accident and its effects on the victim. This includes considering the extent of injuries at the scene and how the failure to stop contributed to these injuries.

When it comes to your scooter accident, various parties could be liable, including a driver who failed to operate their vehicle safely, a city or property owner responsible for pavement conditions, or a scooter company that neglected maintenance or safety standards.

If You Have Been Injured in a Scooter Accident, Speak With a Personal Injury Attorney Today.

Proving and winning a personal injury claim is no easy feat.  Especially when it comes to scooter accidents, it can be challenging to prove that you are not the at-fault party. At Live Oak Injury Law Group, we are skilled in assisting clients with a wide range of personal injury claims. We’re confident that we can represent your best interests in court and get you the settlement you deserve. If you’ve been injured in a scooter accident, please don’t hesitate to reach out and schedule a consultation to have your situation evaluated.

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